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How We Operate

FilAm Alerts is a collaboration by Filipino-American leaders across the United States to effectively coordinate the response of the Filipino-American diaspora when a humanitarian crisis occurs in the Philippines.

This program was initiated to answer several challenges of the Fil-Am community and challenges from organizations distributing aid on the ground in the Philippines after two years of research. These challenges are: lack of coordination, lack of logistical ability, lack of transparency, lack of information, to name a few.




Impediments to Coordinated Donation Efforts Are Efficiently Addressed by the FilAm Alerts Program


Geographic Challenges

Inciting events in the Philippines often requires significant aid to disparate communities located throughout that region

Logistical Challenges

Inciting events in the Philippines often requires significant aid to disparate communities located throughout that region


Inciting events in the Philippines often requires significant aid to disparate communities located throughout that region


Inciting events in the Philippines often requires significant aid to disparate communities located throughout that region

Information Accessibility

Inciting events in the Philippines often requires significant aid to disparate communities located throughout that region


Community- Focused Management

Driving donation-based solutions requires in-depth understanding of individual diaspora communities. The donation framework seeks to understand the FilAm community to tailor communications and donation endpoints to maximize relief opportunities

Community- Focused Management

Driving donation-based solutions requires in-depth understanding of individual diaspora communities. The donation framework seeks to understand the FilAm community to tailor communications and donation endpoints to maximize relief opportunities

Major Components

major component

Humanitarian Response Council (HRC)
Facilitates and operates the Humanitarian Response Model when initiated by the Philippine partners 1. Flowchart

The Humanitarian Response Council will initiate upon being activated by the International Organization for Migration, Philippines.

FilAm Alerts Program Advocate Circle (AC)
Continuously advocates for the program’s use and builds on its applicability as well as ways to improve.

FilAm Alerts Program Administrators (PA)
Assures the Council and Circle has all the tools for coordination, and that they are up to date and functioning appropriately. Administrators also assist in providing additional solutions and continuously research best practices. Program administrators work closely with international actors, attending international conferences with the rest of the humanitarian community, to ensure relevance and effectiveness of the program.

FilAm National Text Alert System (NTAS)
The text alert system is a single point of notification for all Filipino-Americans registered to the system. The system will inform registrants when a project has been initiated by the Council’s facilitation, providing all Filipino nationals in the United states with link to the Virtual Hub

FilAm Alerts Virtual Hub (The Hub)
The Virtual Hub contains up to date information from primary sources of information regarding the status of affected areas, the logistical planning being organized by local forces on the ground in the Philippines, briefs and needs assessments by local organizations, local government, and international aid.The Hub will also coordinate all Fil-Am responses across the United States, to be able to ascertain what the needs are in the Philippines and what the response plans are in the United States to help.


Help us for providing humanitarian relief and support to the Philippines.